Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Affiant Sharon Anderson re: Penalty of Perjury again BlackBalled from  Steve Clift dbaNon Profit www.e-democracy.org  as St.Paul Mayoral Candidate  www.sharon4mayor2014.blogspot.com

Subject: Re: [E-Democracy Help Desk] Re: Re: You have left St. Paul Issues ForumNO Sha...
Date: 10/14/2013 6:36:55 P.M. Central Daylight Time
From: Send IM to: Sharon4AndersonSharon4Anderson@aol.com

Sent from the Internet (Details)

Please clarify what legal threats? www.sharon4mayor2014.blogspot.com or is this another Unfair Campaign Discrimination tactic?

In a message dated 10/14/2013 6:34:35 P.M. Central Daylight Time, notifications-support@edemocracy.zendesk.com writes:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Ticket #1735: Re: You have left St. Paul Issues ForumNO Sharon did not
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Steven Clift, Oct 14 18:34 (CDT): Sharon, until you in writing lift all legal threats against E-Democracy and
our volunteers, you have chosen not to participate. You are not join or
post to any forums.
Steven Clift

Sharon Anderson, Oct 14 18:15 (CDT): I have not left the Forumn apparantly Fratto is censoring Sharon AGAIN
Please investigate

In a message dated 10/14/2013 5:41:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
support@e-democracy.org writes:
Sharon Anderson,
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Phone: 651-776-5835
Address: P.O. Box 4384
Saint Paul, MN 55104
Campaign Website: www.sharon4mayor2014.blogspot.com and www.sharon4anderson.org Forensic Files
Twitter handle: www.twitter.com/sharon4anderson
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson

1. Please provide a brief bio highlighting experience and accomplishments that qualify you for Mayor. (200 word maximum):Affiant SharonSoulSt.Paul, VA Widow,Whistleblower,"Learned" in High Tech,Blogger,RealEstateEntreprenuer, HomeGrown,HomeTown,St.PaulCentral Grad,School of HardKnocks,Understands Separation of Powers, Mayor Executive must expose the City's Case Fixing Issues to deprive the Average Citizen Equity and Tax Relief.

View www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TbcTC5Yg68 Dec 17, 2012 - Uploaded by lawlessamerica2. Why are you running for this seat?To expose High Crimes,Misdemeanors of Chris Coleman, taking a Dive and Bribe to Case Fix in the Magner Case USSC 10-1032 http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DOJ-St-Paul.pdf Executive Summary * * * AsstAGThomas E.Perez made a secret deal behing closed doors with Chris Coleman Mayor outside counsel David Lillehaug ie: Now MN Justice with Throat Cancer, * * * to Recent advances continue to refine these statistical methods, such as a new system developed Separation Powers:Colemans Complicity www.lmc.org Cities Risk Management Insurance via League MN Cities, apparantly Federal Judge Joanne Ericksen involvement has put the State and Federal Judiciary "at risk"Township of Mount Holly v. Mount Holly Gardens Citizens in Action (filed May 17, 2013): In November 2011, the Court granted cert. in Magner v. Gallagher to decide two questions: first, whether disparate impact claims - that is, claims alleging that a practice has a discriminatory effect on a protected class, even if it not based on a discriminatory purpose - can be brought for a violation of the Fair Housing Act; and, second, what test courts should use to analyze such claims. However, before the Court could hear oral argument, the parties agreed to dismiss the case. 3. Please list any endorsements you have received: N/A 4. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it? 1. CITY St.Paul via Chris Coleman's Corporate Welfare to the Demise of Homeowners and LandLords re: USSC 10-1332 titled Magner v. Gallagher. Disparate Impact unabated via MN AG Lori Swanson www.ag.state.mn.us
2. COUNT II Political Bribery ?
3. HAS Chris Coleman via www.lmc.org and Now www.nlc.org used his NonProfit Official Capacity to create AntiTrust Issues in City St.Paul Legislation and Claims vs. City in his Elected Position of Mayor of St. Paul,MN Re: Payout to Corrupt Cops via Metro Gang Strike Force, 3 millionCOUNT III http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/14773354Budgetary Bribery via Colemans Complicity, Manulipating INsurance Trust Accounts, creating burden on Citizenery,Taxpayers. 5. What would be your top three priorities if elected? 1. Fiscal Responsibility Estopp the Insane Harrassment of DSI against the Taxpayers,Homeowners,Small Business 2. Settle these Cases before they get to USSC Eliminate Exessive Fees, ROW, 6. How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul? What, if anything, would you do to change it? If no Long Form Complaint signed off by Mayor and City Attorney, then City Resolutions are Moot, specifically the 800 Vacant Bldgs, 1,400 Total 7. Should city government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If so, please describe the role for the city in this process. Government Control has "taken" control of Small Business, Repeal Obama Care as Burdensome on the Public. NO 8. What do you think should be the city's top transportation related priority? Who ever is Elected will be faced with Congested Mess on 63 Bus Line,Central Corridor,Saints, Union Depot and the Food Hub on Polluted Land under the 3rd St. Bridge. TIF to Macys,Cossettas,Penfield the City is the Biggest LandLord to the Taxpayers Demise. 9. Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort operate more efficiently and cost effectively (See attached Shared Services Survey). Do you believe that Saint Paul uses such partnerships appropriately, and can you identify any specific areas where more sharing of services should be used?N/A 10. Are there any services that the city does not provide that you believe it should? N/A 11. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? N/A 12. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above? Appreciate Your Vote 5Nov2013 Sharon4Seniors with the Soul of St.Paul.

Current Candidate St. Paul Mayor www.sharon4mayor2014.blogspot.com Candidate State Attorney General Current Senate 64
St.Paul Mayor http://sharon4mayor2010.blogspot.com
and www.sharonanderson.org
Someone has to make St.Paul Government Accountable The City via DSI Joel Essling and Cop Tanya Hunter cannot Steal Cars,Trailers,and then Assess/Ratify Illegally on property tax statement, re: 62cv09-1163 at http://taxthemax.blogspot.com
Wilful neglience of State,County and City Attorneys to Answer Shar1058's profile on Yahoo! www.sharon4anderson.wordpress.com

ƒÃ‚‚‚ƒ‚ƒÃ‚ƒÃ‚‚‚‚€ÃÂÃMISSION STATEMENTS: http://sharon4council.blogspot.com
Compliance with Minnesota State Constitution 1 Journalist Ethics JURIST - Paper Chase: Five reporters ordered to reveal sources in anthrax case 501c3 Education Scarrella v. Midwest Savings and Loan - AltLaw
Twitter ActivistTwitter / Sharon4Anderson prefer Facebook | Sharon Anderson
SA_Picasa and SCSA1058Summit slideshow and My Documents | Scribd
Files - Grand Jury | Google Groups
BlogginBabeWELCOME (Sharon4Anderson) Dick Bullock et al., Appellants, v. State of Minnesota et al., Appellees - 611
Political Activist:Petition the Supreme Court Debbie Schlussel Obama's SelServ
EMINENT DOMAIN RESEARCH http://alicekrengel.blogspot.com
EMINENT DOMAIN IN MINNESOTA: Case study Alice Krengel, 823 Allen, WSP
http:// SA Political3885 Politics
, More fun getting there than being in Office WorldNetDaily
advocate, Public Domain pdf files for Public Trust Challenge Free Speech SanctionPost in [SPIF] Suspension Sharon Anderson (3) years bySPED Executive Committee
, so the Public can restore Faith in our Govenment.Private attorney general - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Title 26 501c3 Educational: VA Widow:WHISTLEBLOWER,BLOGITBABE,Candidate St. Paul City Council Ward (2) http://sharon4anderson.tripod.com/index.html
AVAILABLE TO HELP U WITH CODES: YouTube - Sharon Anderson - Ward 2 www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEUxxM3Vmcy&mode=redated&search
Google e-mails: sharon4anderson@aol.com
In re Scarrella justice 221NW2d562(1974) http://sharon4judge.blogspot.com
Illegally Published to Deny Employment to Non Lawyers. Demanding Resignation of current Chief Justice Russell Anderson (NO Relative) MS2.724, he failed to stand Election 2006, Honor Water Writ. Case Fixing/Election Fraud. 1994 IR Nominee State Attorney General, Denied the Elective Office of Justice www.sharon4judge.blogspot.com Private QuiTam Attorney General http://sharon4privateattorneygeneral.blogspot.com
current candidate2012 Senate 64_St.Paul Mayor and or State Attorney General http://sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com
from Legal Domicile at 1058 Summit Ave, Activist,Forensic,Legal,Analyst, PrivateAttorneyGeneral Advocate 4 YOU. www.sharonanderson.org
for legal research, educational Writ of Prohibition A061105 WATER SHUTOFF Citys attempt to harm,injure the citizenery to steal realestate, Self Taught PC,"Not a Liar or Lawyer" VA Widow, Zero Tolerance for Discrimination ECF P165913 sa1299, Electronic Case Filing and Pacer Accounts only nonlawyer in the US?? Thanks UTube http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=StPaulEDemocracy
Republican AG Eminent Domain, Just Compensations, Quiet Titles,Enforce Constitutionality Statutes,Separation of Powers etc. TAXACTION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION Expose Tax Exempt NonProfit's of St. Paul and Water Regional Treatment Board_Members,et al, The 1,655 Vacant Buildings in St. Paul ,"kickbacks-bribery" Taking Sharons Car to St. Paul Impound Lot run by aaron foster ie: www.justiceforbarbara.com,
Bizzare Costs Committments,,Culpability of the Legal System v. Your Taxs and Health Care 3G'S GOD,GATES,GOOGLE PEACE & LOVE

Neighborhood/Neighbourhood Legal Domicile 1058 Summit/PO Box 4384 Summit Hill Area Ward 2
City (Needed to post) St.Paul
State or Province Minnesota
Country USA
Best Web Link About You (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.) http://sharon4anderson.org

Organization/Organisation Anderson+Advocates,Church of Justice Refore, Rose of Sharon Ministry,Political Activist
Organization/Organisation Website http://www.the912project.us/profiles/blogs/digitalcourtericmagnusona1064a-1
Request email contact with Sharon4 Anderson@aol.com
Summit Ave and East Side Daytons Bluvv
City (Needed to post)
State or Province
Postal/Zip Code
Best Web Link About You (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.)http://www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson

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Profile of Sharon4 Anderson 2013 Mayor Published www.eastmetrovoterguide.com St.PaulChamber

Given (First) Name Sharon
Family (Last) Name Anderson
Full Name Sharon4 Anderson
Name: Sharon Anderson aka Peterson_Scarrella
Email: Sharon4Anderson@aol.com Alternate Shewolfeagle@aol.com
Phone: 651-776-5835
Address: P.O. Box 4384
Saint Paul, MN 55104
Campaign Website: www.sharon4mayor2014.blogspot.com and www.sharon4anderson.org Forensic Files
Twitter handle: www.twitter.com/sharon4anderson
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson1. Please provide a brief bio highlighting experience and accomplishments that qualify you for Mayor. (200 word maximum):Affiant SharonSoulSt.Paul, VA Widow,Whistleblower,"Learned" in High Tech,Blogger,RealEstateEntreprenuer, HomeGrown,HomeTown,St.PaulCentral Grad,School of HardKnocks,Understands Separation of Powers, Mayor Executive must expose the City's Case Fixing Issues to deprive the Average Citizen Equity and Tax Relief. View www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TbcTC5Yg68 Dec 17, 2012 - Uploaded by lawlessamerica2. Why are you running for this seat?To expose High Crimes,Misdemeanors of Chris Coleman, taking a Dive and Bribe to Case Fix in the Magner Case USSC 10-1032 http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/DOJ-St-Paul.pdf Executive Summary * * * AsstAGThomas E.Perez made a secret deal behing closed doors with Chris Coleman Mayor outside counsel David Lillehaug ie: Now MN Justice with Throat Cancer, * * * to Recent advances continue to refine these statistical methods, such as a new system developed Separation Powers:Colemans Complicity www.lmc.org Cities Risk Management Insurance via League MN Cities, apparantly Federal Judge Joanne Ericksen involvement has put the State and Federal Judiciary "at risk"Township of Mount Holly v. Mount Holly Gardens Citizens in Action (filed May 17, 2013): In November 2011, the Court granted cert. in Magner v. Gallagher to decide two questions: first, whether disparate impact claims - that is, claims alleging that a practice has a discriminatory effect on a protected class, even if it not based on a discriminatory purpose - can be brought for a violation of the Fair Housing Act; and, second, what test courts should use to analyze such claims. However, before the Court could hear oral argument, the parties agreed to dismiss the case. 3. Please list any endorsements you have received: N/A 4. What is the biggest challenge facing the city and how would you address it? 1. CITY St.Paul via Chris Coleman's Corporate Welfare to the Demise of Homeowners and LandLords re: USSC 10-1332 titled Magner v. Gallagher. Disparate Impact unabated via MN AG Lori Swanson www.ag.state.mn.us
2. COUNT II Political Bribery ?
3. HAS Chris Coleman via www.lmc.org and Now www.nlc.org used his NonProfit Official Capacity to create AntiTrust Issues in City St.Paul Legislation and Claims vs. City in his Elected Position of Mayor of St. Paul,MN Re: Payout to Corrupt Cops via Metro Gang Strike Force, 3 millionCOUNT III http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/14773354Budgetary Bribery via Colemans Complicity, Manulipating INsurance Trust Accounts, creating burden on Citizenery,Taxpayers. 5. What would be your top three priorities if elected? 1. Fiscal Responsibility Estopp the Insane Harrassment of DSI against the Taxpayers,Homeowners,Small Business 2. Settle these Cases before they get to USSC Eliminate Exessive Fees, ROW, 6. How would you characterize the business climate in Saint Paul? What, if anything, would you do to change it? If no Long Form Complaint signed off by Mayor and City Attorney, then City Resolutions are Moot, specifically the 800 Vacant Bldgs, 1,400 Total 7. Should city government be actively involved in attracting and retaining jobs? Why or why not? If so, please describe the role for the city in this process. Government Control has "taken" control of Small Business, Repeal Obama Care as Burdensome on the Public. NO 8. What do you think should be the city's top transportation related priority? Who ever is Elected will be faced with Congested Mess on 63 Bus Line,Central Corridor,Saints, Union Depot and the Food Hub on Polluted Land under the 3rd St. Bridge. TIF to Macys,Cossettas,Penfield the City is the Biggest LandLord to the Taxpayers Demise. 9. Many communities and government entities in the East Metro collaborate to provide services to their residents in an effort operate more efficiently and cost effectively (See attached Shared Services Survey). Do you believe that Saint Paul uses such partnerships appropriately, and can you identify any specific areas where more sharing of services should be used?N/A 10. Are there any services that the city does not provide that you believe it should? N/A 11. Are there any services currently provided by the city that you believe should be cut back or eliminated? N/A 12. Is there anything else you would like to share with voters not covered above? Appreciate Your Vote 5Nov2013 Sharon4Seniors with the Soul of St.Paul.

Current Candidate St. Paul Mayor www.sharon4mayor2014.blogspot.com Candidate State Attorney General Current Senate 64
St.Paul Mayor http://sharon4mayor2010.blogspot.com
and www.sharonanderson.org
Someone has to make St.Paul Government Accountable The City via DSI Joel Essling and Cop Tanya Hunter cannot Steal Cars,Trailers,and then Assess/Ratify Illegally on property tax statement, re: 62cv09-1163 at http://taxthemax.blogspot.com
Wilful neglience of State,County and City Attorneys to Answer Shar1058's profile on Yahoo! www.sharon4anderson.wordpress.com
Scarrella v. Midwest Savings and Loan - AltLaw WidgetsWidgetbox › Sharon4Council Widget
ETHICS: MISSION STATEMENTS: http://sharon4council.blogspot.com
Compliance with Minnesota State Constitution 1 Journalist Ethics JURIST - Paper Chase: Five reporters ordered to reveal sources in anthrax case 501c3 Education Scarrella v. Midwest Savings and Loan - AltLaw
Twitter ActivistTwitter / Sharon4Anderson prefer Facebook | Sharon Anderson
SA_Picasa and SCSA1058Summit slideshow and My Documents | Scribd
Files - Grand Jury | Google Groups
BlogginBabeWELCOME (Sharon4Anderson) Dick Bullock et al., Appellants, v. State of Minnesota et al., Appellees - 611
Political Activist:Petition the Supreme Court Debbie Schlussel Obama's SelServ
EMINENT DOMAIN RESEARCH http://alicekrengel.blogspot.com
EMINENT DOMAIN IN MINNESOTA: Case study Alice Krengel, 823 Allen, WSP
http:// SA Political3885 Politics
, More fun getting there than being in Office WorldNetDaily
advocate, Public Domain pdf files for Public Trust Challenge Free Speech SanctionPost in [SPIF] Suspension Sharon Anderson (3) years bySPED Executive Committee
, so the Public can restore Faith in our Govenment.Private attorney general - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Title 26 501c3 Educational: VA Widow:WHISTLEBLOWER,BLOGITBABE,Candidate St. Paul City Council Ward (2) http://sharon4anderson.tripod.com/index.html
AVAILABLE TO HELP U WITH CODES: YouTube - Sharon Anderson - Ward 2 www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEUxxM3Vmcy&mode=redated&search
Google e-mails: sharon4anderson@aol.com
In re Scarrella justice 221NW2d562(1974) http://sharon4judge.blogspot.com
Illegally Published to Deny Employment to Non Lawyers. Demanding Resignation of current Chief Justice Russell Anderson (NO Relative) MS2.724, he failed to stand Election 2006, Honor Water Writ. Case Fixing/Election Fraud. 1994 IR Nominee State Attorney General, Denied the Elective Office of Justice www.sharon4judge.blogspot.com Private QuiTam Attorney General http://sharon4privateattorneygeneral.blogspot.com
current candidate2012 Senate 64_St.Paul Mayor and or State Attorney General http://sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com
from Legal Domicile at 1058 Summit Ave, Activist,Forensic,Legal,Analyst, PrivateAttorneyGeneral Advocate 4 YOU. www.sharonanderson.org
for legal research, educational Writ of Prohibition A061105 WATER SHUTOFF Citys attempt to harm,injure the citizenery to steal realestate, Self Taught PC,"Not a Liar or Lawyer" VA Widow, Zero Tolerance for Discrimination ECF P165913 sa1299, Electronic Case Filing and Pacer Accounts only nonlawyer in the US?? Thanks UTube http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=StPaulEDemocracy
Republican AG Eminent Domain, Just Compensations, Quiet Titles,Enforce Constitutionality Statutes,Separation of Powers etc. TAXACTION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION Expose Tax Exempt NonProfit's of St. Paul and Water Regional Treatment Board_Members,et al, The 1,655 Vacant Buildings in St. Paul ,"kickbacks-bribery" Taking Sharons Car to St. Paul Impound Lot run by aaron foster ie: www.justiceforbarbara.com,
Bizzare Costs Committments,,Culpability of the Legal System v. Your Taxs and Health Care 3G'S GOD,GATES,GOOGLE PEACE & LOVE

Neighborhood/Neighbourhood Legal Domicile 1058 Summit/PO Box 4384 Summit Hill Area Ward 2
City (Needed to post) St.Paul
State or Province Minnesota
Country USA
Best Web Link About You (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.) http://sharon4anderson.org

Organization/Organisation Anderson+Advocates,Church of Justice Refore, Rose of Sharon Ministry,Political Activist
Organization/Organisation Website http://www.the912project.us/profiles/blogs/digitalcourtericmagnusona1064a-1
Request email contact with Sharon4 Anderson@aol.com
Summit Ave and East Side Daytons Bluvv
City (Needed to post)
State or Province
Postal/Zip Code
Best Web Link About You (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.)http://www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson


Monday, May 7, 2012




Sharons pdf filesE-Dem


Profile of Sharon4 Anderson


Latest Posts


Monday, September 6, 2010

Sharons FCC Complaint v. E-Democracy, Steve Clift et al

Apparantly www.e-democracy.org has violated their Mission Statement
by "Banning" Forensic Files of Evidence, even to a Warning on this Blog.
Jt Memoof Law Support Motto Alter Judgmt1 6 08ecf Jt Memoof Law Support Mo… 2 years ago, 484 views
  • Sa 2 Jan09 Swanson Sa 2 Jan09 Swanson 2 years ago, 540 views
  • File4[1]Shar Thune 22 File4[1]Shar Thune 22 2 years ago, 637 views
  • L Ufsky&Jr L Ufsky&Jr 2 years ago, 299 views
  • 1058 Warrant 34 1058 Warrant 34 2 years ago, 904 views
  • Aitkin Ans0332 27 Aitkin Ans0332 27 2 years ago, 674 views
  • Copaitkbgs Copaitkbgs 2 years ago, 637 views
  • Wednesday, September 1, 2010


    Wed 1Sept2010
    TO: STATE COMMERCE AND REVENUE Hon. Glen Wilson and Ward Einess: Prennial Candidate SharonScarrella Anderson 4 MNAG et al

    HEREBY: Brings to the State and Federal Officials the apparent violations of the non-profit known as http://www.e-democracy.org/.

    FOR : The past 3 years this Blog with Blandin Grant of $50 thous has consistently maligned political candidates who are not with the DFL Party.

    Pursuant to Title 26 501(c)3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_Revenue_Code Sharon4MNAG did just Fine in the 2010 Primary for State Attorney General, http://www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com/ has announced either her St.Paul City Council or Mayoral Run to estopp the Corruption in the City of St.Paul.

    http://www.sharon-e-dem.blogspot.com/ Blog's Warning must be addressed by apparantly FCC and Complaints against Rick Mons.


    From: Sharon4Anderson@aol.com
    To: support@e-democracy.org
    CC: rcbarden@mac.com, tim@e-democracy.org
    Sent: 9/1/2010 8:53:57 A.M. Central Daylight Time
    Subj: Candidates Complaint Sharon Anderson v. Rick Mons

    Wed. 1Sept2010

    To Whom it may concern: http://www.e-democracy.org/

    Apparantly Rick Mons who lives in Shoreview, yet "Controlls"

    the St.Paul Forumn,

    has "BANNED" the undersigned Political Candidate yet with Libel and malice speaks "ILL" of political persons.

    Candidate Sharon Scarrella Anderson hereby makes this Criminal Complaint against Rick Mons who has used "undue DFL influence" in the non profit http://www.e-democracy.org/.

    Please clarify this matter to run down Sharon Anderson a St.Paul Resident, but to malign her Republican Opponent who is a licensed psychologist is repugnant.

    Wednesday, September 1, 2010

    RickMons heinous Title 26 501(c)3 violations

    LEGAL NOTICE: /s/Sharon4Anderson@aol.com ECF_P165913Pacersa1299
    telfx: 651-776-5835:
    Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, Candidate AG2010
    www.sharonagmn2010.blogspot.com Blogger: www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson www.twitter.com/sharon4anderson Homestead Act of 1862 neopopulism.org - Pro Se Dec Action Litigation Pack Sharon4Anderson Scribd Document's are based on SEC filings, Blogger: Dashboard Home www.slideshare.com/sharonanderson www.taxthemax.blogspot.com www.sharon4anderson.org
    FAIR USE NOTICEThis site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are makinknowledge gained as financial journalists , securities they recommend to readers, affiliated entities, employees, and agents an initial trade
    ecommendation published on the Internet, after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting on that recommendations, and may contain errors. Investment decisions should not be based solely on these or other Public Office documents expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in g such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of whistleblower protection issues, MY FindLaw SharonsWritProA06_1150_30Jun06_26
    The CAN-SPAM Act: Requirements for Commercial Emailers
    harons-Psychic-Whispers: Sharons Gypsy Curse-Court-Cop Corruption 3Apr0http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTPlawsuit/courtfilings/Docket.htm Sharon4Council: DLJ Management v. City St. Paul A06-2118,Money LaunderinNo direct un-apportioned tax confirmed by the US Supreme Court rulings in CHAS. C. STEWARD MACH. CO. v. DAVIS, 301 U.S. 548, 581-582(1937) g
    andFCC Complaints - http://sharons-copywrite.blogspot.com

    Subject: Fwd: Candidates Complaint Sharon Anderson 4MNAG v. Rick Mons E-DEM
    Date: 9/1/2010 9:09:58 A.M. Central Daylight Time

    RickMons heinous Title 26 501(c)3 violations

